The Most Expensive Buildings in the World
Hello everyone! Welcome back to my site, and today we’ll be talking about The Most Expensive Building, The Albraj Al Bait (Royal Clock Tower) Costing 15 billion dollars, it’s actually 7 buildings in one. It’s height also takes it as the 3rd tallest building in the world, it stands at 601 meters high! But soon, […]
All You Need to Know About Tsunamis
A Tsunami is a series of giant waves caused by large disturbances in the ocean, such as: earthquakes, underwater volcanic eruptions, and underwater landslides. When these Tsunamis reach shallow water near the coast, they can increase in height and cause a ton of damage to coastal communities. How do Tsunamis form? Well Tsunamis form due […]
Merdeka PNB 118
Today we’ll be looking at Merdeka PNB 118. As it’ll be completed in 2022 -2025. If it will this year, it’ll probably be the Second Tallest Building in The World. Surpassing Shanghai tower. And surprisingly, Petronas Twin Towers will be only 2 miles away from the construction site of Merdeka PNB 118. Also known as […]
Dubai Creek Tower VS Jeddah Tower/Kingdom Tower
So, let’s get started. The Dubai Creek Tower’s height is not known, since Dubai’s Leader don’t want Jeddah Tower to get taller than Dubai Creek Tower. The Jeddah tower is originally supposed to be 1 Mile Tall! Dubai Creek Tower: This mega-project is estimated to be 1350 Meters tall! Jeddah Tower: This tower is also […]
Tallest Buildings of the Future
Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about the Tallest Buildings of The Future. From Mile-High towers, to tallest buildings in the world, and much, much, more! Tokyo Tower of Babel, people haven’t even known if this tower is even POSSIBLE to build since its size is incredibly huge. Rising at 20 miles high, Its […]
Minecraft Command /give
This is /give: /give @s diamond 4. If you do that, it will give you 4 diamonds. It’s basically giving yourself stuff using that command. However, there are two downsides: /give @s iron_ingot You need to put the “_” in. The next downside is it has different words then actually in real Minecraft. A good […]
Windows Shortcut Keys
Hello! Look at the title, yes. We are going to be talking about Windows shortcut keys. So, lets dig into it. If you are in your Microsoft edge web browser, and when you are trying to open another window so you could make a side-by-side screen in Microsoft edge, do Ctrl + N. This is […]
Tallest Buildings in the World
Hello everybody! Today we’ll be talking about the Tallest Buildings in the world. We are not talking about things that will surpass Burj Khalifa, unfortunately. NOTE: MEGA TALL SKYSCRAPERS ARE BUILDINGS 600 METERS OR HIGHER Burj Khalifa, as it was completed in 2010, the mega-tall skyscraper is huge. Merdeka 118, as the second tallest building, […]
Minecraft Command /tp
This is /tp: No, it’s not like /xp. /tp teleports you somewhere like, /tp (player) (player). If you do that, it will teleport the first person to the second person. This is useful if you are lost and cannot find the way back. There is another way too. If you remember the coordinates, which can […]
Minecraft Command /weather
This is the /weather command: So, we do this /weather clear. That is also the same thing as toggledownfall command. And if you do that, it will turn the weather clear. But /weather also has a lot more. You can do /weather thunder if you want thunder. Just like toggledownfall, you can also do /weather […]
Minecraft Command /time
So, this is /time: So, you want to turn it day. So, this is what you type: /time set day. Then, if you want it midnight for a firework show, type /time set midnight. You can also add digits at the end like: /time set 29000. That is why it’s useful. Maybe you want to […]
Minecraft Command /toggledownfall
So, this is ToggleDownFall: like this: So, it’s raining… and you don’t want to type /weather clear. And then you want the weather clear. So, this is how you do it: you type /ToggleDownFall. It turns the rain off. If you want the rain on, which most likely you don’t want it, type /ToggleDownFall again. […]
Minecraft Command /fill
So, this is /fill: So, most of what I know of the command is like this: /fill 1000 4 1000 900 4 900 TNT. So, this is what happens: It fills the cord 1000 4 1000 to 900 4 900. It basically fills in the area of a specific region. And then, after it fills […]
Minecraft Command /setblock
This is a command /setblock: /setblock 0 -60 48 rail. It’s basically this: /setblock is the command. 0 -60 48 is The Coordinates. And The rail is the basically the block it’s turning to. The Coordinates are where it is. So that’s it. Easy! Here’s a few Examples… /setblock 1000 0 1000 TNT or /setblock […]
Minecraft Command /effect
So /effect is basically adding an effect to you. For example: /effect @s regeneration 10 100 true. @s you probably already know because, I explained it in an earlier command. Next is the regeneration. Regeneration is the effect of the thing. Like for example: Haste, strength, and levitation. After the regeneration, is the 10. That […]
Minecraft Command /difficulty
/Difficulty like others, is simple. Here’s an example: /difficulty p = /difficulty peaceful. It sets the difficulty to peaceful. P = Peaceful, E = Easy, N = Normal, and H = hard. If you are on peaceful, no mobs will spawn neither loose hunger bars. Easy: will lose hunger bars and mobs will spawn, but […]
Minecraft Command /kill
/Kill is simple as ever. /Kill is basically like this: you do /kill (player) then it kills that player. But if you do /kill @r means you kill a random person here: @r = random @e = all entities @a = all players @p = nearest player and @s = yourself. You have to be […]
Minecraft Command /gamemode
/gamemode is simple, it is basically turning your gamemode creative, survival, or adventure. /gamemode and most other commands can only be done on a cheat world. Without that, you cannot do /gamemode or /xp. On Minecraft bedrock, you can also shorten creative to c, survival to s, and adventure to a. But when you create […]
Minecraft Command /xp
/xp is simple like an example is: /xp (how many orbs) (player name) and done! You have done /xp. But what if you want levels. Not orbs. Then you do like a full command example: /xp 1000L (Player name). If you do that, then it will give that person levels. Not orbs.