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How to Make a FLAWLESS Map Wall in Minecraft

This tutorial assumes your knowledge of how to open maps, play Minecraft efficiently, and know the basics of Minecraft. This tutorial also assumes that your map is at level 0, that means you’ve never used the cartography table on this map. Before you start this tutorial, have NINE, EMPTY UNOPENED MAPS in your inventory. Hey guys, I’m back again. I’ve had trouble with this subject for the whole time I’ve been playing Minecraft, (a few years) and I finally figured it out. Now,

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How to Shock And Trap Your Friends in Minecraft

Your friend blown up your house? Killed your pet? Well, here’s how to give them payback. And what’s better that you have an excuse to do it because they did something to you first! Inescapable Prison: Possibly, did you get a Diamond Pickaxe before your friend did? Well, all you need for this payback is some water buckets, lava buckets, pistons, some redstone, and obsidian. First, when your friend is AFK, (you can also do this next to their bed, or at their

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Circles Are Made Out of Triangles…

At first it may seem that a circle is a perfectly round shape… but that’s not true. In fact, if you zoom into a circle with an app like Paint, you can see that a circle is made out of squares. (Pixels) But how does this relate to triangles?? Well, before we get to that, let’s take a look at squares and rectangles. A rectangle is easy to imagine, as it’s made out of two triangles, and the same with squares. If we

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Minecraft Java Ultimate World Guide (Day 1-10 Part 1)

DAY 1 Welcome to Minecraft Java. Today I’ll be showing you how to turn your average new Minecraft Java world into an insane world with awesome builds and stuff. When you spawn, find the nearest tree or wood source and mine 3 logs. Then craft a crafting table and place it down. Craft some sticks and a wooden pickaxe. Then grab your crafting table and mine down until you hit stone. Mine 3 stone and place your crafting table again. This time craft

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7 Surprising Things You Don’t Know About Minecraft

Discover 7 surprising Minecraft glitches and little-known facts that will blow your mind! Did you know the Minecraft world isn’t truly infinite, and have you heard the eerie sounds of the Ghast mob? You won’t believe what we uncovered. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, these tidbits will keep your adventure exciting. Keep reading to learn more!

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