This tutorial assumes your knowledge of how to open maps, play Minecraft efficiently, and know the basics of Minecraft. This tutorial also assumes that your map is at level 0, that means you’ve never used the cartography table on this map. Before you start this tutorial, have NINE, EMPTY UNOPENED MAPS in your inventory.

Hey guys, I’m back again. I’ve had trouble with this subject for the whole time I’ve been playing Minecraft, (a few years) and I finally figured it out. Now, I want to give you some info about how to do this.

When I do my maps, I like to do 2×2 walled, or 3×3 walled. You can do as big as you want, but for this tutorial I’ll do 3×3 walled.

First thing you want to do is find the center of the area you’ll be using– whether that be your base, house, farm, whatever you like. Find the spot and open your map. You’ll see that only a small area is displayed on your map and the rest is white. Notice how when you move, the map gets filled in a little bit. BUT DON’T MOVE:

We can do that at the end. If you explore it fully now, it will mess up the placement of the map and may cause overlapping. I’ll come back to filling the map later!

Now, count 256 blocks forward. (DON’T GO BACKWARDS)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, it’s super long. There’s a secret way that I’ll be sharing with you) instead of counting 256 blocks, look at your coordinates. Move so that your X coordinate (first coordinate number) moves by 256 blocks, and the Z coordinate (last coordinate number) does not change. If it does, change it back to what it was before the Z coordinate changed.

Alright. We’ve traveled 256 blocks. Now, double check to make sure your X coordinate has changed by 256, positive. Open another map at that location. Next, change the Z coordinate by 256, and open another map… MOVEMENT CHANGELIST:

Now, we need to fill in each map. Move around to fill in each map. Once you’re done, create a map board holder: to do this, build a 3×3 square of any block. Then, craft 9 item frames.

Place each item frame onto the 3×3 square on one side. It should look like a 3×3 square with a bunch of item frames facing you. NO OTHER SIDE SHOULD HAVE ITEM FRAMES.

Next, grab each map: Place each down and align them so that now you have a 3×3 board of maps!

If this tutorial was helpful, please leave a comment below, and see you next time! 🙂

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