At first it may seem that a circle is a perfectly round shape… but that’s not true. In fact, if you zoom into a circle with an app like Paint, you can see that a circle is made out of squares. (Pixels)

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But how does this relate to triangles?? Well, before we get to that, let’s take a look at squares and rectangles. A rectangle is easy to imagine, as it’s made out of two triangles, and the same with squares.

If we take a step further and look at pentagons, we can see that they are made out of 5 triangles.

If we take another step and look at hexagons, it looks more like a circle than a pentagon.

If we keep adding more and more points that the lines connect to, we get something like a circle, a Dodekagon:

You get it, right? If we add more and more points, it becomes a pixelated circle, like the images we saw earlier.

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So how does this relate to a triangle? If you look at the Dodekagon that I put earlier, it’s like a pizza. It has many, many slices. You can see it better in this image:

So yeah. That’s why a circle is many, many, triangles. You get it!

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