Today, I’ll be giving you 7 Brain Teasers. . . comment your scores below! Each question is worth one point, and you can get a maximum of 7 points!

  1. I have no wings but can fly. I have no eyes but can cry. When I move, darkness also moves. What am I?
  2. I have no lungs but need air. If you give me water, I die. What am I?
  3. How many times can 10 be subtracted from 100?
  4. I start with E, I end with E, but only have one letter inside me. What am I? (It’s not E!)
  5. What starts with T, ends with T, and has T inside of it?
  6. I am always in front of you, but nobody can see me. What am I?
  7. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Click here to see the answers to the riddles

Don’t forget to comment your scores below!

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