The Cascadia Earthquake Zone is a 600-mile-long area located in coast of the Pacific Northwest, from northern California to southern British Columbia. It is where the Juan de Fuca Plate is being forced under the North American Continental Plate and is capable of making a magnitude 9.0 or greater earthquake. This is one of the most dangerous earthquake areas in the world and has the potential to cause widespread destruction and also make a tsunami. Scientists have determined that strong earthquakes happen in the Cascadia Earthquake Zone every 500 to 1,000 years, with the last one occurring in about 1700 (More than 300 Years Ago.)

The following will be impacted earthquake from the Cascadia Zone:

Remember that other regions nearby will also be impacted.

If you live in or near Cascadia Zone, it is important to be prepared for a potential earthquake and tsunami. In the event of a tsunami warning in the Cascadia Zone, it is important to evacuate immediately to higher ground or to an evacuation zone designed for tsunamis. Don’t wait for an official evacuation order. Stay updated to local news and weather reports for the latest information on the tsunami’s progression. If you are at the coast and feel a powerful earthquake, it is a natural reaction to want to immediately evacuate to higher ground. Do not delay your evacuation, as tsunamis can arrive within minutes of the earthquake.

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