Questions I’ll be answering today:

What are Neutron Stars?

Neutron stars are extremely dense stars that spin very fast. They spin up to 700 times a second! When this happens, rays of light come out top and the bottom. When a neutron star does this, it is called a Pulsar. And there is also an upgraded neutron star– a Magnetar Star.

How do Neutron Stars form?

Neutron stars form when a star (usually at the end of its life) explodes and creates a neutron star. But the sentence earlier does not provide enough context– so here’s it in more context.

Neutron stars form when a large star, 1.4x – 3.0x times the mass of the sun collapses on itself because of the overwhelming gravity going into the core. It goes infinitely smaller than an atom– and then explodes. It turns into a Neutron Star. These dense stars are about ten miles in diameter.

What would it feel like to stand on a Neutron Star?

It would feel crazy– 200 billion times the gravity of Earth, and you’d be squished before you know it!

How much does one teaspoon of Neutron Star weigh?

One teaspoon of Neutron Star weighs about 4 billion tons.

(1 ton = 2000 pounds.)

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