Black Holes are giant, but I’m talking about how it forms today.

Everything starts with a gas cloud. A gas cloud is a cloud usually left behind by a supernova explosion. Here are some pictures:

Gas Cloud
Supernova Explosion

Clumps of gas start to merge. It grows bigger and bigger, forming elements. The Elements merge again and again. Making a star. There are three types of starting stars:

Our path today is the Large Star.

The Star starts to expand due to the Chemicals pushing out to supply the surface. The most found Chemical in the core is Hydrogen, easily followed by Helium. Other elements are Sulfur, Nitrogen, Iron, etc.

The Sun grows as a result to the elements pushing out. It turns into a red supergiant. At this point, all chemicals are used except for Iron. Iron cannot supply the Sun with energy. The Gravity also grows. The Star collapses into something smaller than an Atom and releases a strong shockwave in all directions. (Now it forms a gas cloud) (The shockwave that gets send out in all directions, is a supernova.)

That forms a singularity- something infinitely smaller than an atom but has infinite density. Anything to near to this will be sucked in it and be doomed forever. The edge that you can get to without being doomed is the Event Horizon.

The singularity grows really fast, forming a Black Hole.

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