In Dynamite! (Fiction Story) we left off at the part where Meep enters the house. Now, he’ll put in some furniture. His furniture theme was teal, because that’s the paint of the outside of the house, and one of his favorite colors.

Once he was finished adding furniture, he went to sleep. It was a really, long day.

When he woke up, he quickly got up, he was going for breakfast! He was starving. And he opened the cabinet. Oops! He thought, he didn’t buy consumables yet.

Now he was Hangry. Smoke was coming from his ears. But there’s no other way. He had to walk to the nearest grocery store. Since he was so tired, he started counting his steps to take things off his mind. One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… Eight… Nine… Ten… And soon, somehow, he counted 2140 steps.

Now, he’s searching for cat food. Oh no! There’s no cat food! But the person at the counter was kind and gave him some cat food. He walked another 2140 steps back home, and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! He forgot the bowl!

Now steam was flooding the house, coming from his ears and nose. Suddenly… KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

Someone was knocking on the door.

When he came to the door, he saw no one. Now steam was actually flooding the house. When he was about to close the door, he saw a bowl, filled with little boxes of Dynamite. He carefully put them in his bedroom drawer, and took the bowl so fast, that he fell over.

When he got back up, he closed the door, (More like slammed it really hard) then placed it down, he walked to his cabinet and took out a box of cat food. He poured so much into the bowl, that it overflowed and spilled everywhere on his neat and clean carpet.

Meep put the cat food back into the cabinet and went upstairs. Upstairs, there was a long, teal-themed hallway.

Hmm, let’s see… he thought oh…!

He went back downstairs, flung the cabinet door open, and took the little dynamites out. (Yeah, his drawer upstairs and the cabinet are linked.) He went outside to his Cat Nest, (He didn’t really need it anymore.) and placed the little dynamites in.

Hmm, he needed more matches, so he walked to the nearest what he calls ‘Camping Shop’ and hum along the way.

Once he was there, he got some matches, threw them on the counter to pay, but the person at the table said, “You don’t need to pay for things your first-time buying matches here.” oh yeah, he thought, he forgot his wallet anyways.

He walked out of the shop, but something caught his attention. The ‘lousy neighbor’ is here.

He hurried to get out of the ‘Camping Shop’.

When he was back home…

TO BE CONTINUED IN Dynamite! (Part 3) (Fiction Story)

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