First type: /give @p command_block. Now you have one of the most important things, after that you need two more things: or three:

Here are all the things:

  1. Command Block
  2. Redstone Comparator
  3. Redstone Repeater
  4. Bow

So, that’s all the materials you need.

First place a command block down. 4 Blocks in any directions, place another one. And 2 more blocks keep going, place one more.

Redstone Comparator
Redstone Repeater

So, place the repeaters like this:


So, after you’ve got that stand on the first command block. And place a comparator on the empty block like this:


Now right click into the first command block.

Press the needs redstone into always active. Then press the impulse and turn it to repeat. In the command block you are going to type /testfor @e [type=arrow,r=100]

(Command Block 1, And Always Active and Repeat Commands.)

Then on the second command block, copy me, but except this time press the plus on the side. Of the writing place.

Press the green button in your Minecraft.

Now if you’ve done everything correctly, you should see this:

Expanded screen

In the expanded screen, copy me:

Second Command Block

Now exit the second command block, and right click the third.

On the third, you don’t need to expand the screen, just type this:

Last and third command block

Now you are done! All you need to do is exit the command block and shoot the arrow! (NOT TO CLOSE TO THE COMMAND BLOCKS.)

Command blocks aren’t explosive, but the repeaters can break. And if you don’t want the found arrows messages on the side, just type in the chat: /gamerule commandblockoutput false

So now all you need to do is shoot it. Done!

Commands for Command Blocks:

(Command Block 1) /testfor @e [type=arrow,r=100]

(Command Block 2) /execute @e [type=arrow,r=100] ~~~ summon tnt_minecart ~~~ minecraft:on_instant_prime

(Command Block 3) /kill @e [type=arrow,r=100]


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